Multipart/alternative Alternative parts for this section: Help Plaintext Version of Message [text/plain] 0.66 KB Download HTML Click HERE to view HTML content in a separate window. Here are the dress names. I will send you later tonite the wording for each. Big Hugs, _______ 1.The Andromeda 2.The Apus 3.The Ara 4.The Bootes 5.The Columba 6.The Cygnus 7.The Equuleus 8.The Eridanus 9.The Indus 10.The Lyra 11.The Orion 12.The Phoenix 13.The Pyxis 14.The Vela 15.The Volans ________ Jorge Manuel Designer Twitter Facebook 1771 Northwest 16th Street Miami, Florida 33125 305-846-9456 Direct 888-863-7775 Fax